Bhimashankar is an ancient shrine located in the Maharashtra state’s Sahyadri hills. Bhimashankar Temple is a well-known Jyotirlinga, one of the twelve Jyotirlingas found in India. Bhimashankar lies 50 kilometers north of Khed, near Pune, in the village of Bhorgiri. It’s 125 kilometers from Pune, in the Sahyadri highlands’ ghat region.
Tripurasura, a demon, underwent penance in Bhimashankar’s jungle long ago, in Tretayug, in order to appease Lord Shiva and receive the boon of immortality.
Tripurasura’s dedication to Lord Shiva, who is famed for his benevolence toward his worshippers, pleased Lord Shiva. So, as is customary, he bestowed immortality upon him with the stipulation that “he shall endeavour in the greatest interests of people, or he may be sued permanently for violating the condition.”
With the passage of time, Tripurasura lost sight of the conditions under which he was bound and began pestering mankind and other deities. There was an upheaval, and all of the gods came to Lord Shiva for help. In order to sue Tripurasura, Lord Shiv pleaded to Goddess Parvati (Kamalaja Mata) for assistance. On Kartik Pournima, also known as “Tripurari Purnima,” Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati took on a new form, which is known as “Ardha-Narya-Nateshwar,” and defeated Tripurasura.
Tripurasura’s wives (Dakini and Shakini) approached Lord Shiva after his death, expressing their dissatisfaction with their lives without Tripurasura. As a result, Lord Shiva bestowed immortality on both of them, just as he had on Tripurasura. Bhimashankar’s dominion is now known as “Dakinyam Bhimashankaram.”